Ball Skills General Scenario
In these grids we have the simple repetitive practice of ball skills, the grids are set up to encourage players to develop their ball skills in a variety of situations, including some pressure sessions where ball skills are developed, often building from passive to aggressive participation. Players are encouraged to use these routines to develop and fine tune current and new ball skills. Especially good for average or young soccer players, some grids develop into match play grids and can be used as an adjunct to a complete session base upon a particular skill, start with the Warm Up grid, then the Ball Skills Grid and move on to a Match Play Grid.
Click on sample image then hit the back button to use the grid: download the file left of the table Back to top Sample image Short description of the grid 026 B001 Attacking Pressure Shooting
Players line up as shown and change places after each run.
On the coach's call. a defender passes a ball through a mini goal then sprints to defend running around a pressure post, an attacker sets off from a central marker and sprints around a pressure post collects the passed ball and tries to get a shot on goal.027 B002 Passing Through The Gate 2 Advanced Grid Players line up as shown and change places after each run.
On the coach's call. a defender passes a ball through a mini goal then sprints to defend running around a pressure post, an attacker sets off from a central marker and sprints around a pressure post collects the passed ball and tries to get a shot on goal.028 B002 Passing Through The Gate One team must make at least five consecutive passes, without the other team intercepting and winning the ball. If one team achieve the set number of passes without losing the ball, then the other team must sprint out of the grid through a gate around the grid and back in through the gate within 10, 15 or 20 seconds.
029 B003 Heading Tennis 1 Players head the ball over the rope "net" (between the posts) and if the ball is not touched before hitting the ground that team scores a goal.
030 B004 Passing 3v1 Simple Line Pass Players (A), (B) & (C) pass the ball down the line whilst player (D) tries to intercept a pass. If player (D) intercepts a pass then player (D) changes with that player whom made the bad pass.
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Players can shoot from anywhere outside of a single goal, from either or any side, but cannot shoot within a No Shooting Zone five metres square of the goal.
032 B006 Shooting 1 v 1 Pressure One player from each team takes up position in their respective goal. One player shoots for goal, and then runs to touch one of the posts. The other player tries to make a save using only legal parts of the body.
033 B007 Defending Block Tackle & Dribbling An attacker places a ball in between a mini goal on the edge of the grid, then sprints and touches a post (For Pro or seniors use run around a post) a few metres away and dribbles the ball into the grid.
034 B008 Defending The Line Players dribble past one line grid with a defender, (mini goal using markers) to get a shot on goal. Attackers MUST pass through the mini goal by deceiving the defender (Defender cannot move forwards or back but MUST stay in line with markers)
035 B009 Passing Through The Gap Players are split evenly between two teams, one with bibs on. Teams must pass a minimum number of times to each player in their grid and then make a good pass to a teammate on the other side of a no play area to score a goal.
036 B010 Defending Beating The Back Four Attackers either side of a central grid three on either side, pass the ball around unchallenged (Until Phase ii.) to make space for a pass through a square back four defenders. Defenders try to move to intercept passes.
037 B011 Defending Beating The Offside Trap Players spilt into two teams one team with bibs. They play V's each other outside of the marked grid and can only enter the grid if they run onto an on side pass.
038 B012 Shooting From Long Range Play is split into two grids either side of the half way line, about three metres wide. In one grid five blue defenders reside in the grid they have three red attackers. The 5 defenders v 3 attackers should win sufficient ball to get a pass through the no go area to one of their 3 blue attackers in the opposite grid.
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Players use the grid to undertake skill routines; all players form even groups and line up on any marker corner. Then each will run set (run 1), once this is completed the winning team is declared and teams run set 2 etc., then set 3 and finally set 4
040 B014 Dribble Pass Defend Drill Complex and difficult session using pressure by making players think each section through. Players change roles through stages of the grid.
041 B015 Attacking breaking wide Players inter pass with a central midfielder and sprint on to give and receive a crossed ball.
042 B016 Crosses Long Floated Shot This practice for keepers. When teams are pressing forward for an equaliser or for a winning goal, it is quite possible to catch the goalkeeper off the goal line. This practice routine sets up wide players for a long lofted shot at goal, the goalkeeper must come forward on each set and touch the post after every cross.
043 B017 Skills 3 Player 2 Ball Passing Passing to the free player, three players, two soccer balls, Player (A) & Player (C) both have a soccer ball pass to player (B) releasing anew free player. This is a sharp passing routine developing stopping skills and accuracy in passing.
044 B018 Passing 3 Player Line Passing Player (A) passes to the middle player, Player (B), whom controls the ball, turns on it and passes to the opposite outside player, Player (C). A return pass is given and the routine repeated in the opposite direction. Change after ten (10) passes.
045 B019 Skills Back Heel Pass Back Heel Pass - Player (A) passes to the middle player, whom controls the ball, then back heels the ball, to the opposite outside player.
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Side Step Dummy- Player (A) passes to the middle player, whom steps to the left, pulls the ball to the right, turns on it and passes to the opposite outside player.
047 B021 Skills Back Heel Turn The Drag Back and Back Heel Turn Player (A) passes to the middle player (Player B), whom controls the ball, drags it back heel, turns on it and passes to the opposite outside player (Player C).
048 B022 Skills Sole Of Boot Pass Sole of Boot - Player (A) passes to the middle player, whom controls the ball. by using the sole of his boot, rolls it under the boot, turns on it and passes to the opposite outside player.
049 B023 Skills Taking On Players Players line up: one in the middle faced by two players on either side each with a ball. Markers indicate the inside grid and run around marker for each outside player. The cent er player always moves to the outside taking on the player feeding the ball.
050 B024 Skills Dribbling Inside Foot Players line up: one player, Player (B) is in the middle and on either side of Player (B) are two players each with a ball, Players (A) and (C). Player (A) passes to Player (B) who must dribble out using only the inside of the feet, players cross with the challenger being passive, to change places with the feeder Player (A).
051 B025 Skills Dribbling Outside Foot Players line up as shown: one player, player (B) is in the middle and on either side of Player (B) are two players each with a ball, Players (A) and (C). Player (A) passes to Player (B) who must dribble out using only the outside of the foot, players cross, with the challenger being passive, to change places with the feeder Player (A).
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Players line up: one player, player (B) is in the middle and on either side of Player (B) are two players each with a ball, Players (A) and (C). Player (A) passes to Player (B) who must dribble out at speed using inside and outside of the foot, players cross, with the challenger being passive, to change places with the feeder Player (A). The player running in Player (A), receives a pass from the other outside player, Player (C) and dribbles past this player using inside and outside of the boot to control the ball, and move to the outside.
053 B027 Skills Cutting Wide Drill Players line up in teams of four, two players in the middle with a ball each, the two outside players on either side. Cutting Wide: Move your body slightly to your weaker side, whilst letting the ball run just ahead of you, use the outside of your best foot to push the ball wide of your body to your good side, cut or break in the direction of the ball and with the inside of the boot bring the ball back on line with your original run.
054 B028 Skills Cross Over Heel Pass Players line up as shown in teams of four, two players in the middle with a ball each, the two outside players on either side.
055 B029 Skills Back Heel Passing Players line up as shown in teams of four, two players in the middle with a ball each, the two outside players on either side.
056 B030 Skills Step Over & Pass Players line up as shown in teams of four, two players in the middle with a ball each, the two outside players on either side.
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Four players per grid. Players line up as shown: two players in the middle and one player on either side. Both of the outside players has a ball. Note: Start by strictly enforcing the method of turning, lazy players will want to let the ball pass them then turn, this is not what is being coached here.
058 B032 Skills Turn & Pass Drill You often see teams use this simple line passing technique to warm up, often the passes go astray and this can only be attributed to boredom by the players, try my line passing grid, it offers players a chance to develop moving the ball skills and sprint fitness. Put the grids slightly adjacent, player receives the ball knocks it wide to collect themselves and pass to the opposite team, then sprints to joint the team.
After a few minutes you will see the passing improve Try it.059 B033 Skills Two Ball Simple Line Pass Players line up as shown, two outside players (A) & (B) each have a ball, both outside players (A) & (B) dribble a ball into the grid.This grid looks quite simple but can be used to develop a range of skills
060 B034 Skills Stopping The Ball Players pass down a grid using wall pass technique then race the defending player back to the start line and change roles
061 B035 Passing Wall of China Set for Right footed crosses, NOTE: when using this grid again in your sessions set it up from the left, and insist on players attempting a cross with their left foot. When Player (A) dribbles the ball forward but leaves the ball near the first marker (3), Player (B) takes off from marker (2) going round either post.
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This grid is useful to sharpen attackers and goalkeepers if your striker is missing easy shots try a couple of sessions in this pressure grid. Great for keepers as well because shots will come in rapidly.
063 B037 Shooting Pressure Shooting Turning This grid is useful to sharpen attackers and goalkeepers if you striker is missing easy shots try a couple of sessions in this pressure grid. Great for keepers as well because shots will come in rapidly.
064 B038 Skills Turning Under Pressure Players form a circle around two players in the middle (size or number of grids depends on numbers).
Two players on the outside of the circle have a ball each. The two players in the middle one plays as an attacker, the other as a defender. The attacker receives a pass from one of the outside players and must pass to another (not the same) outside player.065 B039 Dribbling 3v3v3 Continuous Game Players play 3 v 3 on one goal, when the coach call "change" the Attacking team (the team in possession) MUST immediately pick up their ball and leave the grid, irrespective of the state of play. The next team immediately enters the grid through the gate and attacks the other three players.
066 B040 Passing The Snake Players split to form a line of two (as shown) with players opposite each other and facing each other in the same team. They then pass the ball across the width of the grid to the next player opposite and then sprint down the outside of the grid to take up position at the end of the grid. Play continues with players passing and sprinting and the team will move along like a snake.
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Players in threes with one ball, for a loose triangle, players take turns changing places with the one that passes the ball (defender) against the one receiving the ball (attacker), players alternate as attacker and defender and play is non stop with the ball switched to the free player whom receives the 3rd pass.
068 B042 Dribbling Basic Dribbling 1 v 1 Players face each other, one with a ball, (the attacker), the player with the ball, walks forward, keeping the ball between both feet and within playing distance (about 1 metre ahead), head over the ball, body in balance whilst the other player (defender) facing the attacker backs away. After a short walk the players swap roles (Blue) attacks first the gives the ball to the defenders (Red) the defenders now become the attackers.
069 B043 Skills Ball Juggling in pairs Players in twos or small groups, one player throws the ball high in the air and on the first bounce one of the team must juggle the ball with their head, shoulders, feet etc. Try to get several consecutive touches 10, 20 etc.
070 B044 Skills Basic Push Pass Players moving on to the ball and making a pass to another player. Come into the ball at an angle, place the non kicking foot alongside the ball with your toes pointing at the target.
071 B045 Skills The Power Drive Players in twos or groups progress to driving the ball, move players further apart. Start with standard passing then allows one of the players to drive the ball back to the other player using the bootlaces (top of the boot).
072 B046 Skills Advanced Passing Players in twos, passing and kicking the ball with variation. Progress to OUTSIDE OF BOOT swerves passing, or INSIDE OF BOOT for curving for swinging the ball.
073 B047 Passing Wall Pass Mini Grid Players play 2 v 2 and try to dribble across the opponents half and score by crossing the opponents line. (See also Development vi)
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One player shoots for goal, touches a post or sprints around either post, strikes the next ball, then touches a post until all balls have been struck for goal. Players take turns in shooting under a time pressure. Other players collect the balls and reset the routine.
075 B049 Skills Trapping The Ball In pairs about 3 metres (10 foot) apart; one player lobs a high ball which must be trapped on the thigh, shoulder, head or shin or other legal part of the body. The ball is then brought under control and passed back with a basic push pass.
076 B050 Skills Ball Juggling In fours or small groups, players juggling the ball using chipping or heading to pass to other players.
077 B051 Skills Ball Balancing The player lifting the toes and trapping the ball between boot and against the shin holds the ball in place. The player must try to maintain balance and keep the ball wedged between boot and shin.
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BUT after each juggle or header the player juggling or heading the ball MUST touch a marker then move to another position and be replaced by a team mate.
079 B053 Passing Pressure Pass & Lay Off Players pass the ball into two players inside a very large circle (25 metres). Player (A) passes to the receiving Player (B) whom immediately lays off a pass to Player (C), whilst being pressured by Player (A)
080 B054 Passing Triangle Teams try to score goals by passing to team mate across the diagonal grid. Goal is ONLY scored when the ball crosses the diagonal line and is NOT touched by any member of an opposite team.
081 B055 Defending The Line Players dribble past one line grid with a defender, (mini goal using markers) to get a shot on goal, then must control the ball and dribble past a second mini goal and defender.
082 B056 Shooting Cutting In Shot Players (A) play a deep firm pass to the corner, then sprint in field to defend the ball. Player (B) receives the ball, dribbles through markers or hoops and cuts in for a shot on the edge of the area. Players change places after each run.
083 B057 Attacking Shooting From Long Range Grid 2 Attacking roles Attacking Grid 5 attackers v 3 defenders and 3 attackers v 5 defenders, markers, goals and one goalkeeper. Make the grid smaller with fewer players.
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Attacking teams A and B have two touches, must inter pass between at least TWO members of the team before passing across the no go zone to the other Attacking team.
085 B059 Dribbling The Numbers Game Players line up this can be quite static but I use the following sequence to make it more useful:-
086 B060 Skills Receiving The Ball Grid Players line up on each wide corner of the grid, four players, (A) each have a ball and start from the inside corners aiming to dribble their ball along the line of their grid towards a mini goal, they pass before they get to the mini goal or post, to the next player waiting on the next corner,
087 B061 Defending Clearing Under Pressure Four defenders (Back four) are in the Penalty Area, and clear incoming crosses to defenders in the outfield. Attackers try to score with deep crosses into the box or chip the ball in for poor defending.
088 B062 Defending Playing Behind Defenders We are using defenders v attackers. As the back line move up, two attackers move wide and are challenged by ONE defender, play is 2 attackers v 1 defender on either side of the pitch.
089 B063 Goalkeeper Long Floated Shot This practice for keepers. When teams are pressing forward for an equaliser or for a winning goal, it is quite possible to catch the goalkeeper off the goal line. This practice routine sets up wide players for a long lofted shot at goal,
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Players nominate a captain whom passes a ball across goal to the outside of the penalty area as shown. Attacking team member must run onto the ball and try to score a goal. A defender is in the grid to apply pressure and MUST touch a post before challenging the next attacker.
091 B065 Crossing Advanced Crosses Player (A) passes the ball forward to a defender at marker (2) Player (B) takes off from marker (2) going round post (3). Player (A) sprints around his post and receives a return pass from the defender Player A then crosses the ball to the Attacking Player (B)
092 B066 Attacking Line Pass & Wide Play Player (A) runs to a defender, shown in (Red), turns on the defender and receives a pass from Player (B). Player (A) controls the ball. Player (A) turns the defender and then gives a line ball pass to Player (B).
093 B067 Dribbling 5 v 5 Pass _Dribbling Game Players line up . TEAM (A) (Blue) will dribble the ball, TEAM B (Red) will pass the ball, In our example (Ten players) five players inside the grid, form TEAM (B) (Red).
094 B068 Shooting From Long Range Play is split into two grids either side of the half way line, about three metres wide. In one grid five attackers reside and they have three defenders and a goalkeeper.
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Players line up in pairs on either side of the pitch, one pair sets off in a 1 v 1 and the attacker tries to dribble past the defender after entering a tackling area about half way down the pitch.
096 B070 Defending Blind Runs to the Far Post Players make a deep cross far post for a runner to run onto whilst strikers are creating space for the runner. Players rotate with the exception of the two defenders, the two strikers and goalkeeper.
097 B071 Midfield Blind Runs to the Far Post This grid I used to work my central defenders against my two strikers, the rest of the players rotate firing deep crossed into the goalmouth or as shown in this set to the far post.
098 B072 Defending breaking wide Players inter pass with a central midfielder and sprint on to give and receive a crossed ball. Add defenders as play progresses.
099 B073 Goalkeeper Dealing with Crosses Set for Right footed crosses, NOTE: when using this grid again in your sessions set it up from the left, and insist on players attempting a cross with their left foot. Goalkeeping skills dealing with shots or headers on goal, try to intercept cross or anticipate flight of the ball, work on positioning as each set develops.
100 B074 Crossing Long Deep Cross This practice for keepers. This practice routine sets up wide players for a long crossed pass into the goal area, the goalkeeper must come forward on each set and touch the post after every cross
101 B075 Crossing Working Deep Crosses Players cross a ball and attackers try to score whilst being challenged by a midfield defender
102 B076 Heading Tennis 2 Players score ONLY if the ball is headed over after being chipped by one of their own players first, Players heading the ball over the "net" (between the posts, over the rope) and DO NOT score goals if the ball hits the ground without being touched by a defending player and is NOT from a chipped or juggled pass.
103 B077 Attacking Shooting From Long Range Grid 2 Attacking roles Attacking Grid 5 attackers v 3 defenders and 3 attackers v 5 defenders, markers, goals and one goalkeeper. Make the grid smaller with fewer players.
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This is a pressure exercise and can be used for Attacking or defending roles, however elements of shooting under pressure and tackling occur.
Email Peter Faulks
Assessments Ball Skills Coaching Tools Fitness Fun Games Home Match Practice Set Pieces Warm Ups
Attacking Crossing Defending Dribbling Goalkeeping Midfield Tackling
Club Team Men Pre Season Sample | 1 | Club Team Men Pre Season Sample | 2 |
Week 1 Session 1 | Time 120 min | Week 1 Session 2 | Time 120 min |
1. Pre-warm up |
10 Min | 1. Pre-warm up
10 Min |
2. Stretching exercises after lap of oval |
10 Min | 2. Stretching exercises after lap of oval | 10 Min |
3. Warm up
5 Min | 3. Warm up
5 Min |
4. Skill Developments
20 Min | 4. Skill Developments
20 Min |
5. Match Practice
20 Min | 5. Match Practice
20 Min |
6. Game
15 Min | 6. Game
15 Min |
7. Warm down
10 Min End |
7. Warm down
10 Min End |
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Last updated 25 January 2023