Academy South Eastern Youth (age 13) Team Sessions
Junior Academy 26 weeks planed only 10 weeks used - 10 week program used
10 Week Plan (Included is the full plan (26 weeks but only 10 weeks was allowed)
Session 1. Sharpness andBasic Ball Skills
1. Twolaps of the oval at varying pace as warm up G126.
2. Stretchingsession G191 & Sharpness G165
3. BallJuggling G129 twos, threes & fours
4. Shootinggame G010
5. BallSkills G112
6. AllTouch Soccer G110
7. Warmdown
Session 2. Dribbling -Basic to advanced (intro)
1. Twolaps of the oval dribbling G108 Intro.
2. Stretchingsession/PNF Stretches G191
3. Dribbling1 v 1 G108
4. Dribbling/Shooting G108b
5. DribblingRun Assessment G124 or G108 Phase ii
6. Dribbling- Olde England Game G089
7. Warmdown
Session 3. Passing Basicto the Power Drive (Intro)
1. Twolaps of the oval 1 v 2 (two ball) passing G066
2. Stretchingsession G191
3. StarPassing Grid G084
4. PassingCircle G007 / Passing Square G004
5. SoccerCricket G122
6. TwoTouch Soccer Game G125
7. Warmdown
Session 4. Shooting &Attacking
1. Twolaps of the oval at varying pace (sprints) as warm up.
2. Stretchingsession G191
3. ShootingDrill G161
4. ShootingUnder Pressure G020
5. ShootingPressure G011
6. OneGoal Game G019
7. Warmdown
Session 5. Heading
1. Twolaps of the oval 2 v 1 Heading G109 (Restricted)
2. Stretchingsession G191
3. HeadingTennis G014
4. HeadingGame G201
5. SoccerBaseball G009
6. HighPass Soccer Game G136
7. Warmdown
Session 6. Crossing &Defending
1. Twolaps of the oval at varying pace as warm up.
2. Stretchingsession G191
3. ReleasingWingers for Crosses G065
4. StrikerRoles on Crosses G177
5. DealingWith Deep Crosses G044
6. GameWingers Free G127
7. Warmdown
Session 7. Building TeamTactics + Wall Pass
1. SpeedPassing G090
2. Stretchingsession G191
3. WallPassing in Attack G054
4. Winger2 v 2 Wall Pass G120
5. CoachingDefending the Wall pass G022
6. Wallof China Game G085
7. Warmdown
Session 8. Working theWings in Attack + Defensive Roles
1. SkippingWarm Up G107
2. Stretchingsession G191
3. PassingDown The Line G017
4. Layoff for Wingers G118
5. OverlappingRunners G056
6. Game Man for Man G021
7. Warmdown
Session 9. Tackling &Defending
1. Twolaps of the oval with overlapping runners
2. Stretchingsession G191
3. DefendersPressure Grid G159
4. DefendingSquare Block Tackling G023
5. FourGoal Game G041
6. Game Man for Man G021
7. Warmdown
Session 10. Match TacticsGame Plans
1. Twolaps of the oval at varying pace as warm up.
2. Stretchingsession G191
3. AttackingPlay G192
4. MidfieldBuilding Attacks G187
5. Strikersswitching To Create Shots G055
6. Allin Half Game G032
7. Warmdown
Peter J Faulks FASSA
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Last updated 25 January 2023